FlyVPN VPN Client 3 Customize Routing Table Tutorial


Customize routing table via VPN is very simple. The feature is very suitable for people who want to customize some traffic via VPN, others via original internet connection. Users can add multiple routes into table. Follow instructions below step by step to customize routing table through VPN. 


- Customize routing table feature is only available for paid membership. 

- The first step is to identify the IP address you want to route. Search in google, maybe you can find the answer.


1: Download FlyVPN client.

Pro version is recommended, Install and run it.

Lite version without OpenVPN and specific traffic features, download and run it directly.

2: Input FlyVPN username and password and click "Login".

3: Select "Customize Routing Table".

4: Click "Edit". Then you will be redirected to to add route into table.

5: Input the route name into "Title" and tick "Hide system default modes, only show custom mode in client". After ticked the box, "Send all traffic via VPN" and "Specific traffic via VPN" will disappear in traffic type. 

6: Input the route IP block and click "Save". For example, the server IP address is You can input either or into route table. means any address in the range should be sent to the VPN gateway. means the IPs begin with 173.194.XX.XX will surf via VPN.

7: Choose VPN protocol, click one server, and click "Connect".

8: You are now connected to FlyVPN via customize routing table feature.

9: Follow steps below to lookup whether the route you added will surf via VPN gateway.

a: Input "cmd" into  start menu search box.

b: Click "cmd.exe" or press "Enter" key.

c: Input "route print" and press "Enter" key to check route table.

d: Find the route IP you added and check its gateway. If the gateway begins with 10.25.XX.XX, 10.251.XX.XX, or 10.252.XX,XX. It means the IP block you added into route table will surf via VPN.

If you want to use "Send all traffic via VPN" or "Specific traffic via VPN" feature, please access custom VPN route web to remove route table.

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