The Rookie is an American police procedural crime drama television series. The series follows John Nolan, a man in his forties, who becomes the oldest rookie at the Los Angeles Police Department. The series is based on real-life Los Angeles Police Department officer William Norcross, who moved to Los Angeles in 2015 and joined the department in his mid-40s. The Rookie was renewed for a fourth season, which premiered on September 26, 2021, on ABC.
How to watch The Rookie from all around the world?
ABC is the best place to enjoy The Rookie from all over the world. If ABC is not available in your country, you can still access it with a good VPN. Here's how to watch The Rookie Season 4 on ABC outside the US with a VPN:
For a good VPN service, my recommendation is FlyVPN. You can use FlyVPN's free and paid VPN service to watch The Rookie Season 4 on ABC. I recommend using USA free trial VPN to test the FlyVPN service before purchasing.
With FlyVPN, you can bypass the geolocation restrictions and unlock all US TV networks that have limited access to American IP. So, subscribe to FlyVPN now and do not miss a single episode of your favorite TV series!